

Acting with integrity on a daily basis

As Fayat Group shareholders, we attach the utmost importance to ethics, and more specifically to combating corruption. Accordingly, we require every Fayat Group employee to read this code of conduct and strictly and pragmatically implement it by adopting ethical and responsible behaviour on a daily basis. To support this strategy, this code of conduct is backed up by a corruption whistleblowing procedure.

Jean-Claude Fayat, Fayat Group Chairman & Laurent Fayat, Fayat Group CEO

The Fayat Foundations Division’s values are commitment, autonomy, adaptability, and team spirit. This is a shared foundation, the basis for every action we take both individually and collectively.

It is fundamental to remember that, to create the best conditions to express these values, they must form part of a healthy and upstanding environment to guarantee the ethical and responsible development of our activities.

Réunion FAYAT


Ethics has been central to the FAYAT Group’s development since it was founded more than 60 years ago, and has contributed to our current entrepreneurial success. Fayat Foundations fully supports these ethical principles and complies with these regulations via the implementation of its code of conduct and whistleblowing procedure.

FAYAT_Code_of_conduct_and_alert_EN_05.05.22.pdf (1.25 MB)