Visite BE_Bellini

Health, Safety, Quality, & Environment

A commitment to our clients and employees

Morgane_de face

A clear HSQE approach

Fayat Foundations monitors the impacts of its worksites based on demanding certifying references to achieve its aims in terms of Health, Safety, Quality, & Environment.

Sefi-Intrafor’s certifications

    ISO 9001
    ISO 9001 Ability to regularly provide a product or service meeting clients’ requirements, applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and our commitment to increase client satisfaction
    ISO 14001
    ISO 14001 Commitment to listen to stakeholders and our ability to get to grips with environmental issues relating to our activities, products and services to take actions designed to protect the environment
    ISO 45001
    ISO 45001 Prevention culture to minimise risks and improve the business’s performance in terms of Occupational Health & Safety
    CEFRI Ability to carry out works involving exposure to ionising radiation and meet applicable regulatory requirements

    Franki Fondation’s certifications

      Logo MASE
      MASE Guarantees in terms of management of occupational risks by setting up of a continuous improvement system at the business
      CEFRI Ability to carry out works involving exposure to ionising radiation and meet applicable regulatory requirements

      Fayat Fondations’ 12 Golden Rules

      • Fayat Fondations put in place a participative approach with all its employees to draw up its golden rules:
      Les règles d'or